Home is Wherever I’m With You…


So… in February, me and The Boy celebrated 5 years of romantic dates, hysterical laughter, blazing rows (come on, no-one’s perfect), and millions of kisses. To celebrate, we went out for dinner and swapped pressies.

I got some amazing ceramic button coasters (which I wrote about here).

He got a handmade picture…


Like it?!

It was all made in TOP SECRET conditions, obviously…


If you want to make one similar, here’s what I did:

1. I drew out my design (on paper which would fit into my frame)

2. I traced my design onto water soluble film (can’t remember where I got mine from, but it’s this kinda stuff)

3. I then pinned the film on top of my materialImage4. I used a plain black stitch to trace over my design, sewing through both the film and fabric

Image5. I then washed away the film with water, and left it to dry

Image6. When it was dry, I embroidered a heart onto the material in red embroidery thread (I did this by hand using an embroidery thread)

7. I ironed the material, and then put it in the frame. Ta da!


ImageWe hung it in pride of place above our bed. Wish I’d made it a little bigger, but I think it’s cute, and The Boy seemed to like it, so that’s all that matters!

If you have a go at something similar, please send me a photo to: made_by_sami@hotmail.co.uk. I’d love to see it 🙂



Sami x

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